Introducing Harmony Woodington C.Ht.

An Executive Coach, International Best Selling Author.

"Affordable Solutions for Taking Control of Your Life in the

Face of Rising Costs"

"Are you feeling the stress and uncertainty of the current economic climate?

Are you struggling to cope with the rising cost of living and the added pressure of a recession?

If you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you don’t know where to look to offload that weight and get the much-needed and deserved support so you can keep going…

Allow Harmony Woodington C.Ht, a certified hypnotherapist, to help you navigate these challenges with a 2-hour holistic coaching session.

In today's world, the cost of living is skyrocketing and the economic recession is causing immense stress and anxiety for many. The financial pressure and uncertainty can lead to a host of mental health issues such as depression, overwhelm and burnout.

Despite the prevalence of these issues, many people struggle to find the help they need. Traditional therapy can be costly, and there are long waiting lists for government-funded programs.

Even when people do seek help, they may not feel understood or fully supported.

Harmony understands that these are difficult times and that you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your future. She is here to offer her expertise and guidance to help you address your pain points, gain clarity and create a plan of action to overcome them.

Her holistic coaching approach includes techniques such as hypnotherapy, mindfulness and visualization that can help you tap into your inner resources, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.

To support you during this time, Harmony is offering a special deal of 50% off her regular price of $300. Don't let stress and uncertainty hold you back any longer, book your session with Harmony today and start taking steps towards a brighter future. Invest in yourself, start thriving and gain the clarity you need to navigate your current situation. Don't wait, book your session today and take back control of your life!"

Don't let financial stress and the recession hold you back from living your best life. Join our group coaching program and receive the support and tools you need to thrive, despite the challenges of today's world.

Hello, I’m Harmony Woodington C.Ht.

I help love-based, conscious, and ambitious Love Warriors who want to create a harmonious relationship with their mind and body and a life in service of their Divine Design.

Are you ready to take your physical and mental well-being to the next level?

Look no further than Awakened Body Group Coaching,

led by Harmony Woodington C.Ht.

I’m going to be transparent with you that online courses, cookie-cutter programs, and coaches offering systems, tools and processes, aren’t giving you the individual attention you need to tap into your own divine power and knowledge. Somewhere in your soul you already knew that I was different from the others, you just didn’t know how different. The universe leads you to me because we are in alignment.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that most coaches and mentors won’t tell you. Mostly because you really never get access to them 1-on-1. You are never going to create the reality you seek by following a system or process that worked for someone else. You must tap into your brilliance, your divine self, and your divine design to know what needs to be put in place to see you step into the fullness of everything that are you.

It’s time for you to walk the path to owning your power. You don’t have to borrow the power of others because you are everything, you have everything within you. You just haven’t had a guide that has taught you how to access it.

It’s time to step into who you always wanted to be and fulfill your divine design so you can develop a deep inner peace that cannot be developed with external success. Create a solid internal foundation and then build your life, your empire, and your legacy upon it.

Learn how to lead yourself effectively to become a powerful leader who inspires others to follow you.

What Harmony's Clients Have To Say!

See you soon Divine Being

Harmony Woodington C.Ht.